3.2. Metrics Developer Guide

3.2.1. Anible File Organization Ansible-Server

Please follow the following file structure:

|   ansible.cfg
|   hosts
|       all.yml
|       clean.yaml
|       setup.yaml
|   \---tasks
|           main.yml
    |   |   monitoring-namespace.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---alertmanager
    |   |       alertmanager-config.yaml
    |   |       alertmanager-deployment.yaml
    |   |       alertmanager-service.yaml
    |   |       alertmanager1-deployment.yaml
    |   |       alertmanager1-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---cadvisor
    |   |       cadvisor-daemonset.yaml
    |   |       cadvisor-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---collectd-exporter
    |   |       collectd-exporter-deployment.yaml
    |   |       collectd-exporter-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---grafana
    |   |       grafana-datasource-config.yaml
    |   |       grafana-deployment.yaml
    |   |       grafana-pv.yaml
    |   |       grafana-pvc.yaml
    |   |       grafana-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---kube-state-metrics
    |   |       kube-state-metrics-deployment.yaml
    |   |       kube-state-metrics-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   +---node-exporter
    |   |       nodeexporter-daemonset.yaml
    |   |       nodeexporter-service.yaml
    |   |
    |   \---prometheus
    |           main-prometheus-service.yaml
    |           prometheus-config.yaml
    |           prometheus-deployment.yaml
    |           prometheus-pv.yaml
    |           prometheus-pvc.yaml
    |           prometheus-service.yaml
    |           prometheus1-deployment.yaml
    |           prometheus1-service.yaml
           main.yml Ansible - Client

Please follow the following file structure:

|   ansible.cfg
|   hosts
|       all.yml
|       clean.yaml
|       setup.yaml
    |   \---tasks
    |           main.yml
        |       collectd.conf.j2

3.2.2. Summary of Roles

A brief description of the Ansible playbook roles, which are used to deploy the monitoring cluster Ansible Server Roles

Ansible Server, this part consists of the roles used to deploy Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana stack on the server-side Role: Monitoring

Deployment and configuration of PAG stack along with collectd-exporter, cadvisor and node-exporter. Role: Clean-Monitoring

Removes all the components deployed by the Monitoring role.

3.2.3. File-Task Mapping and Configurable Parameters Ansible Server Role: Monitoring Alert Manager File: alertmanager-config.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/alertmanager/alertmanager-config.yaml

Task: Configures Receivers for alertmanager

Summary: A configmap, currently configures webhook for alertmanager, can be used to configure any kind of receiver

Configurable Parameters:

receiver.url: change to the webhook receiver’s URL route: Can be used to add receivers File: alertmanager-deployment.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/alertmanager/alertmanager-deployment.yaml

Task: Deploys alertmanager instance

Summary: A Deployment, deploys 1 replica of alertmanager File: alertmanager-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/alertmanager/alertmanager-service.yaml

Task: Creates a K8s service for alertmanager

Summary: A Nodeport type of service, so that user can create “silences”, view the status of alerts from the native alertmanager dashboard / UI.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.type: Options : NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer spec.ports: Edit / add ports to be handled by the service

Note: alertmanager1-deployment, alertmanager1-service are the same as alertmanager-deployment and alertmanager-service respectively. CAdvisor File: cadvisor-daemonset.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/cadvisor/cadvisor-daemonset.yaml

Task: To create a cadvisor daemonset

Summary: A daemonset, used to scrape data of the kubernetes cluster itself, its a daemonset so an instance is run on every node.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.template.spec.ports: Port of the container File: cadvisor-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/cadvisor/cadvisor-service.yaml

Task: To create a cadvisor service

Summary: A ClusterIP service for cadvisor to communicate with prometheus

Configurable Parameters:

spec.ports: Add / Edit ports Collectd Exporter File: collectd-exporter-deployment.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/collectd-exporter/collectd-exporter-deployment.yaml

Task: To create a collectd replica

Summary: A deployment, acts as receiver for collectd data sent by client machines, prometheus pulls data from this exporter

Configurable Parameters:

spec.template.spec.ports: Port of the container File: collectd-exporter.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/collectd-exporter/collectd-exporter.yaml

Task: To create a collectd service

Summary: A NodePort service for collectd-exporter to hold data for prometheus to scrape

Configurable Parameters:

spec.ports: Add / Edit ports Grafana File: grafana-datasource-config.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/grafana/grafana-datasource-config.yaml

Task: To create config file for grafana

Summary: A configmap, adds prometheus datasource in grafana File: grafana-deployment.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/grafana/grafana-deployment.yaml

Task: To create a grafana deployment

Summary: The grafana deployment creates a single replica of grafana, with preconfigured prometheus datasource.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.template.spec.ports: Edit ports spec.template.spec.env: Add / Edit environment variables File: grafana-pv.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/grafana/grafana-pv.yaml

Task: To create a persistent volume for grafana

Summary: A persistent volume for grafana.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.capacity.storage: Increase / decrease size spec.accessModes: To change the way PV is accessed. spec.nfs.server: To change the ip address of NFS server spec.nfs.path: To change the path of the server File: grafana-pvc.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/grafana/grafana-pvc.yaml

Task: To create a persistent volume claim for grafana

Summary: A persistent volume claim for grafana.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.resources.requests.storage: Increase / decrease size File: grafana-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/grafana/grafana-service.yaml

Task: To create a service for grafana

Summary: A Nodeport type of service, so that users actually connect to, view the dashboard / UI.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.type: Options : NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer spec.ports: Edit / add ports to be handled by the service Kube State Metrics File: kube-state-metrics-deployment.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics-deployment.yaml

Task: To create a kube-state-metrics instance

Summary: A deployment, used to collect metrics of the kubernetes cluster iteself

Configurable Parameters:

spec.template.spec.containers.ports: Port of the container File: kube-state-metrics-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics-service.yaml

Task: To create a collectd service

Summary: A NodePort service for collectd-exporter to hold data for prometheus to scrape

Configurable Parameters:

spec.ports: Add / Edit ports Node Exporter File: node-exporter-daemonset.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/node-exporter/node-exporter-daemonset.yaml

Task: To create a node exporter daemonset

Summary: A daemonset, used to scrape data of the host machines / node, its a daemonset so an instance is run on every node.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.template.spec.ports: Port of the container File: node-exporter-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/node-exporter/node-exporter-service.yaml

Task: To create a node exporter service

Summary: A ClusterIP service for node exporter to communicate with Prometheus

Configurable Parameters:

spec.ports: Add / Edit ports Prometheus File: prometheus-config.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/prometheus/prometheus-config.yaml

Task: To create a config file for Prometheus

Summary: A configmap, adds alert rules.

Configurable Parameters:

data.alert.rules: Add / Edit alert rules File: prometheus-deployment.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/prometheus/prometheus-deployment.yaml

Task: To create a Prometheus deployment

Summary: The Prometheus deployment creates a single replica of Prometheus, with preconfigured Prometheus datasource.

Configurable Parameters:
spec.template.spec.affinity: To change the node affinity,

make sure only 1 instance of prometheus is running on 1 node.

spec.template.spec.ports: Add / Edit container port File: prometheus-pv.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/prometheus/prometheus-pv.yaml

Task: To create a persistent volume for Prometheus

Summary: A persistent volume for Prometheus.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.capacity.storage: Increase / decrease size spec.accessModes: To change the way PV is accessed. spec.hostpath.path: To change the path of the volume File: prometheus-pvc.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/prometheus/prometheus-pvc.yaml

Task: To create a persistent volume claim for Prometheus

Summary: A persistent volume claim for Prometheus.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.resources.requests.storage: Increase / decrease size File: prometheus-service.yaml

Path : monitoring/files/prometheus/prometheus-service.yaml

Task: To create a service for prometheus

Summary: A Nodeport type of service, prometheus native dashboard available here.

Configurable Parameters:

spec.type: Options : NodePort, ClusterIP, LoadBalancer spec.ports: Edit / add ports to be handled by the service File: main-prometheus-server.yaml

Path: monitoring/files/prometheus/main-prometheus-service.yaml

Task: A service that connects both prometheus instances.

Summary: A Nodeport service for other services to connect to the Prometheus cluster. As HA Prometheus needs to independent instances of Prometheus scraping the same inputs having the same configuration

Note: prometheus-deployment, prometheus1-service are the same as prometheus-deployment and prometheus-service respectively. Ansible Client Roles Role: Collectd File: main.yml

Path: collectd/tasks/main.yaml

Task: Install collectd along with prerequisites

Associated template file:

collectd.conf.j2 Path: collectd/files/collectd.conf.j2

Summary: Edit this file to change the default configuration to be installed on the client’s machine