Yardstick Test Case Description TC044

Memory Utilization

test case id

OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC044_Memory Utilization


Memory utilization

test purpose

To evaluate the IaaS compute capability with regards to memory utilization.This test case should be run in parallel to other Yardstick test cases and not run as a stand-alone test case. Measure the memory usage statistics including used memory, free memory, buffer, cache and shared memory. Both average and maximun values are obtained. The purpose is also to be able to spot trends. Test results, graphs and similar shall be stored for comparison reasons and product evolution understanding between different OPNFV versions and/or configurations.


File: memload.yaml (in the ‘samples’ directory)

  • interval: 1 - repeat, pausing every 1 seconds in-between.

  • count: 10 - display statistics 10 times, then exit.

test tool


free provides information about unused and used memory and swap space on any computer running Linux or another Unix-like operating system. free is normally part of a Linux distribution, hence it doesn’t needs to be installed.





Test can be configured with different:

  • interval;

  • count;

  • runner Iteration and intervals.

There are default values for each above-mentioned option. Run in background with other test cases.

pre-test conditions

The test case image needs to be installed into Glance with free included in the image.

No POD specific requirements have been identified.

test sequence

description and expected result

step 1

The host is installed as client. The related TC, or TCs, is invoked and free logs are produced and stored.

Result: logs are stored.

test verdict

None. Memory utilization results are fetched and stored.