3. Opera Installation Instructions

This document providing guidelines on how to deploy a working Open-O environment using opera project.

The audience of this document is assumed to have good knowledge in OpenStack and Linux.

3.1. Preconditions

There are some preconditions before starting the Opera deployment

3.1.1. A functional OpenStack environment

OpenStack should be deployed before opera deploy.

3.1.2. Getting the deployment scripts

Retrieve the repository of Opera using the following command:

3.2. Machine requirements

  1. Ubuntu OS (Pre-installed).
  2. Root access.
  3. Minimum 1 NIC (internet access)
  4. CPU cores: 32
  5. 64 GB free memory
  6. 100G free disk

3.3. Deploy Instruction

After opera deployment, Open-O dockers will be launched on local server as orchestrator and juju vm will be launched on OpenStack as VNFM.

3.3.1. Add OpenStack Admin Openrc file

Add the admin openrc file of your local openstack into opera/conf directory with the name of admin-openrc.sh.

3.3.2. Config open-o.yml

Set openo_version to specify Open-O version.

Set openo_ip to specify an external ip to access Open-O services. (leave the value unset will use local server’s external ip)

Set ports in openo_docker_net to specify Open-O’s exposed service ports.

Set enable_sdno to specify if use Open-O ‘s sdno services. (set this value false will not launch Open-O sdno dockers and reduce deploy duration)

Set vnf_type to specify the vnf type need to be deployed. (currently only support clearwater deployment, leave this unset will not deploy any vnf)

3.3.3. Run opera_launch.sh
