5. Virtual InstallationΒΆ

The virtual deployment of JOID is very simple and does not require any special configuration. To deploy a virtual JOID environment follow these few simple steps:

  1. Install a clean Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) server on the machine. You can use the tips noted in the first step of the Jumphost installation and configuration for bare metal deployment. However, no specialized configuration is needed, just make sure you have Internet connectivity.

  2. Run the MAAS deployment for virtual deployment without customized labconfig file:

    # in joid/ci directory
  3. Run the Juju/OPNFV deployment with your desired configuration parameters, but with -l default -i 1 for virtual deployment. For example to deploy the Kubernetes model:

    # in joid/ci directory
    ./deploy.sh -d xenial -s nosdn -t noha -f none -m kubernetes -l default -i 1

Now you should have a working JOID deployment with three virtual nodes. In case of any issues, refer to the Troubleshoot section.