1.2. Release Automation

This page describes how projects can take advantage of the release automation introduced in Fraser for creating their stable branch, and stable branch Jenkins jobs.

It also describes the structures of the releases directory and the associated scripts.

1.2.1. Stable Branch Creation

If your project participated in the last release (beginning with Euphrates), perform the following steps:

  1. Copy your project’s release file to the new release directory. For example:

    cp releases/euphrates/apex.yaml releases/fraser/apex.yaml
  2. For projects who are participating the in the stable release process for the first time, you can either copy a different project’s file and changing the values to match your project, or use the following template, replacing values marked with < and >:

    project: <opnfv-project-name>
    project-type: <opnfv-project-type>
    release-model: stable
      - name: stable/<release>
          <project-repo>: <git-sha1>
  3. Modify the file, replacing the previous stable branch name with the new release name, and the commit the branch will start at. For example:

      - name: stable/fraser
          apex: <git-full-sha1>
  4. If your project contains multiple repositories, add them to the list of branches. They can also be added later if more time is needed before the stable branch window closes.

      - name: stable/fraser
          apex: <git-sha1>
      - name: stable/fraser
          apex-puppet-tripleo: <git-sha1>
  5. Git add, commit, and git-review the changes. A job will be triggered to verify the commit exists on the branch, and the yaml file follows the scheme listed in releases/schema.yaml

  6. Once the commit has been reviewed and merged by Releng, a job will be triggered to create the stable branch Jenkins jobs under jjb/.

1.2.2. Stable Release Tagging


1.2.3. Release File Fields

The following is a description of fields in the Release file, which are verified by the scheme file at releases/schema.yaml


Project team in charge of the release.


Release model the project follows.

One of: stable, non-release


Classification of project within OPNFV.

One of: installer, feature, testing, tools, infra


(Optional) Upstream OpenStack project assocated with this project.


List of released versions for the project.


Version of the release, must be in the format opnfv-X.Y.Z.


Combination of repository and git hash to locate the release version.


opnfv-project: f15d50c2009f1f865ac6f4171347940313727547

List of stable branches for projects following the stable release-model.


Stable branch name. Must start with the string stable/


Same syntax as location under releases


Link to release notes for the projects per-release.

1.2.4. Scripts

  • create_branch.py -f <RELEASE_FILE>

    Create branches in Gerrit listed in the release file.

    Must be ran from the root directory of the releng repository as the release name is extracted from the subdirectory under releases/

    The Gerrit server can be changed by creating a ~/releases.cfg file with the following content:


    This will override the default configuration of using the OPNFV Gerrit server at https://gerrit.opnfv.org, and is primarily used for testing.

  • create_jobs.py -f <RELEASE_FILE>

    Modifies the jenkins job files for a project to add the stable branch stream. Assumes the jenkins jobs are found in the releng repository under jjb/<project>/

  • verify_schema -s <SCHEMA_FILE> -y <YAML_FILE>

    Verifies the yaml file matches the specified jsonschema formatted file. Used to verify the release files under releases/